

  • Orders are shipped directly from our warehouse located in Birmingham
  • Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout
  • Orders are typically processed within 2 to 3 business days, excluding weekends and holidays.
  • You will receive an email notification once the goods have been prepared and dispatched, which will include the courier tracking number.


  • Delivery times vary based on the courier’s delivery schedule.
  • We use different couriers to provide the most cost-effective solution, enabling us to pass on the savings to all our customers.
  • For any delivery queries, please get in touch with the courier company directly.
  • If your order has not been received within 7 days of receiving your shipping confirmation email, please reach out to us immediately.

Acceptance of Goods

  • Please inspect your order immediately upon receipt and notify us of any issues.
  • Our Returns & Refunds Policy lasts 14 days. After 14 days of receipt of goods, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
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